Monday, June 13, 2011

Braxton Hicks/Hiccups

31 weeks! And only 9 to go! It's crazy that I only have a little over 2 months. I can't believe that. I thought I would stay between 20-30 weeks forever! So last week I had braxton hicks for the first time...well the first time I noticed them. And I think I was having heart burn during also. I was so uncomfortable though. Jordan was so sweet and walked around the apartment with me rubbing my neck and shoulders. It was great..not the braxton hicks but the message. I didn't realize the braxton hicks could be painful. Actually to be quite honest I didn't really know what braxton hicks were. I had heard about them and new they were false contractions but I didn't really understand...and I guess I shouldn't really of understood what they were because I had never experienced them before. At first I just thought I was having really bad heart burn then I was thinking well why would heart burn be all over my stomach and not just in my chest. I was most definitely having heart burn also though.

Also I think it was about 2 weeks ago when I first felt our little guy having the hiccups. I was trying to take a nap after work one day and my belly had a constant bounce to it. It was so cute. I kept looking at my belly and smiling. And he has had them a bunch since then also! He is running out of room in there as well. I feel a lot of pressure on my belly and I know it's him trying to move around but having a hard time. He really seems to like the top of my belly right under my chest, and my ribs. Silly little boy! I can't wait to see him! I need him to keep cookin though!

1 comment:

  1. you make me want to be pregnant so bad! - not because of the BH or the heartburn, but the hiccups and watching your belly move and feeling your baby.

    seriously can't wait to see what he looks like when he arrives!
