Saturday, March 20, 2010

Just an update...

Here is a quick update on whats going on in our lives the past month an a half!! School has gotten busier than ever. but its good because its passing the time so fast. 3 more weeks til were college grads and off to Virginia April 11!! Cant wait!!!! just need to find me a job....

This is Jordan on his birthday. I forgot to buy candles so he is pretending to blow them out to make me feel better:)
This is Jordan's birthday present. He is loving it now with March Madness going on!

Remember how we are moving and we sold all our furniture a month too early!! This is our Sunday dinner...we had a picnic!!

Yes i am wearing Pajama Pants!!

This is my boat...I mean bed. Yes we sold our bed too. EVERYTHING IS GONE except one couch and that is what Jordan sleeps on! We had this blow up raft we bought last summer so float on the river with and it turned into my bed for the next month!!

Well that's what the past month and a half brings us. We have had some good laughs especially since I'm sleeping in a boat!!


  1. hahah! I can't believe that is your bed for the next month! that is hilarious! Nice t.v though! :)

  2. Ha ha ha ha I love you guys!! Mary you are the cutest little wifey! I can't believe your sleeping in a boat that's hilarious.

    SO I was thinking since your moving back to VA this summer you are never going to be back to he west like ever so are you going to come down to UT anytime before you go cause I really really miss you and I'm scared it will be a long while before I get to see you again.... ;(

  3. you guys are just wayyy to cute!!!! this totally reminded me of so many transitional times in our lives when we've made such fun memo's... like sleeping in an inflatable boat :)

    love ya girlie :)))

  4. I love the picnic and bed! What fun memories. I miss you so much Maaaaaryyy! It looks like you're doing simply fantastic and that makes me very happy! xoxo

  5. :) this boat "bed" makes me smile...I was just reading your past posts and I can't believe how fast time flies by. Cody & I also graduated in April (well- I made him walk with me a semester early, but will be done in July) and then we are hoping to move back to CO, but anyways I am sad that I didn't get to say good-bye to you guys. Life gets crazy and I can't believe that I haven't blogged in a couple months. well- Congrats on the new job and moving closer to family. I hope you guys keep in with you at Tuscany was so fun and I think you guys are awesome! Take care! :)

