Monday, February 28, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Wednesday is the big day!!! We get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl! I am super duper excited! I really have no clue as to what we will be having. I am thinking girl but really who knows? Jordan says it will probably be a girl since he has all sister and since I only have one brother. I really just want a healthy baby! Girl clothes are really cute though. :)

So any guesses as to what we will be having?

I am making a baby cake tonight to see what we will be having. You know the food color one. Where you dye half the cake pink and half the cake blue and whichever side you cut into first that's the gender you will have! It worked for my sister! Let's see if it will work for me!!!


  1. Girl! Definitely a girl. Girls are so fun too! So we did the baby cake thing at my shower and it was waaaayy off because it said we were going to have a boy. Oh well. Hope it works for you and hopefully you're having twins!!!

  2. that is such a cute idea! I've never heard about the cake thing...well good luck at the dr. apt hopefully his/her parts will be available to view haha I've had some friends have to wait because the baby wasn't cooperating but I'm sure you'll have no problem :) Cody and i thought for sure we'd have a boy because those were the only names we could agree on and then the night before we went to the dr. he said, "I think it's a girl" and it was :) it's so fun either way! yay! I'm excited for you guys!! can't wait to hear the good news
